I can't believe some of you are buying for next year already!
I am so impressed at your organizational skills...totally amazed.
I am, of course, always thinking ahead...but I can't begin to buy yet. My head is still in this year.
I have a friend, whose son will start 9th grade next year. She has already purchased all of his curriculum through high school!
So who is doing what?
I am so impressed at your organizational skills...totally amazed.
I am, of course, always thinking ahead...but I can't begin to buy yet. My head is still in this year.
I have a friend, whose son will start 9th grade next year. She has already purchased all of his curriculum through high school!

So who is doing what?
We're going to unschool next year.
I wish!
I don't know exactly what we'll do next year. Probably just the same thing we're doing now, which is based on The Well-Trained Mind for major subjects and child led for history/science.
I wish!
I don't know exactly what we'll do next year. Probably just the same thing we're doing now, which is based on The Well-Trained Mind for major subjects and child led for history/science.
I have not got it all down yet, but I DO know Math will be Saxon for all which means Saxon K and 3
and Zaner-Bloser for Spelling and Handwriting
I think I am staying with Christian Light Pub for readers unless I find something I like better.. (I really would like to find something better... with a reader and matching workbook but have not found one that is GOOD and inexpensive...
I need to find something for Grammar/Language Arts , Social Studies and Science yet.
I have been looking at Singapore Science, but not sure.. catalogs are arriving and I am spending evenings after I leave her reading them
If any has ideas Holler, I am always willing to listen
and Zaner-Bloser for Spelling and Handwriting
I think I am staying with Christian Light Pub for readers unless I find something I like better.. (I really would like to find something better... with a reader and matching workbook but have not found one that is GOOD and inexpensive...
I need to find something for Grammar/Language Arts , Social Studies and Science yet.
I have been looking at Singapore Science, but not sure.. catalogs are arriving and I am spending evenings after I leave her reading them
If any has ideas Holler, I am always willing to listen
I wish!
I am having a hard enough time keeping my head above the water for this year. We did have a good day today, though. I know that I am going to stick with Saxon for math and Rod and Staff for English. But, other than that....

QUOTE(Tressa @ Feb 1 2006, 08:43 PM)
I wish!
I am having a hard enough time keeping my head above the water for this year. We did have a good day today, though. I know that I am going to stick with Saxon for math and Rod and Staff for English. But, other than that....
how old are your kids? what grade level etc


QUOTE(Nana @ Feb 1 2006, 10:11 PM)
how old are your kids? what grade level etc
Next year they will be 4th and 6th grade.

QUOTE(Sammi @ Feb 1 2006, 09:27 PM)
I have a friend, whose son will start 9th grade next year. She has already purchased all of his curriculum through high school!

So who is doing what?
Hmmm... and WHAT is she using?
We will be 9th grade next year too.

I have looked at Oak Meadow (that we are using now) and TRISMS, and also LIFEPACS, and RC, and so on...


We were going with the Oak Meadow--- but after further discussion Austin says he liked the whole "workbook" style instead of this "think for yourself" style.

I am open to ALL suggestions on curriculum for high school.

I am thinking ahead but haven't taken time to put it on paper.
We are using Sonlight 3 & 7 this year, but we really need to get into something more hands on for next year. I am looking at Winter Promise Curriculum for next year. I think it will work for all the Dc and it is more hands on w/ activities.
I am also looking at going back to Mystery of History that I bought. Still deciding...
I am also looking at going back to Mystery of History that I bought. Still deciding...
I spent most of last fall picking books for kindergarden for my oldest. We are going to get the Grade kits, Bible, and Music from Bob Jones and health from Abeka. I will probably be ordering everything in the next week or so. I just did our taxes and that is where the money is coming from. I may also buy the 3 year old program for my youngest since we are getting more than I thought. I wanted a whole package for just starting out. I may get more brave in years to follow. Will have to see.
I am sticking w/what we have and I already purchased oldest DS's Rod & Staff stuff while it was on sale several months ago.
Since I took the all A Beka route this year, I am really looking forward to shaking things up next year! I am so excited about how well (and fast) this year has gone! I am keeping AB's math, spelling and history. Planning on using Christian Liberty science and Bible, LifePac art, Scholastic workbooks and BookFiles for reading comprehension and Bob Jones English. My dd will be in third grade next year.
I haven't started buying yet, but I plan to soon. If anyone has any feedback on my choices, I would love to have it!
I haven't started buying yet, but I plan to soon. If anyone has any feedback on my choices, I would love to have it!

I have started looking but not buying yet. I cannot wait to buy though. I love that new book smell.

I am half way tempted to put Colleen back into Christian School next year......but I'm sure we won't be.......
I just want to make it thru this year...........
I just want to make it thru this year...........
This is our 3rd year hsing. I am very happy with the curriculum I am using and I have no need to plan anything yet for next year. We use some of Ambleside Online/Charlotte Mason/ some Rod and Staff and Abeka. Quite a mix, but its working well for us.
We started out 3yrs ago with ALL Rod and Staff and over time I have found things we liked better.
I will probably not need to shop much , if I do any it will be in May or June.
We started out 3yrs ago with ALL Rod and Staff and over time I have found things we liked better.
I will probably not need to shop much , if I do any it will be in May or June.
QUOTE(Tressa @ Feb 1 2006, 09:43 PM)
I wish!
I am having a hard enough time keeping my head above the water for this year.

Me too.........but I generally say that every year about this time...
I really still do not have a clue what I am going to do for next year. I have major adjustments to make in myself, so I will just have to see.
My dh is picking out the curriculm for next year like he did for this year. I have no idea what surprises he has in store for us. But, I do know that he did just order a science kit. And at Odd Lots he got a bunch of things like magnets and electronic put together things. Science is his thing and I just let him go with it.
I think that for the most part we are going with what we have this year.
I think that for the most part we are going with what we have this year.
I have been making lists for our curriculum all week.
So far, I have:
A Beka: language, math, writing, reading, reading comprehension, history, science, and health
Spelling Power
Painless American Government for Civics
The Learnables for Spanish
Sign of the Beaver, The Hobbit, Diary of Anne Frank (still making the reading list....we will be using A Beka's readers also.)
I am also hunting something to suppliment writing.
Oh, and I get the student books, teacher editions, tests, and test keys for the subjects listed above. I do not buy the curriculum guides, as I like to make my own schedule.
For my preschooler, Hannah: (so far)
A Beka: complete child and parent kits (I will be buying 2 child kits because Gavin will be doing K4 right after Hannah finishes.)
Alphbet board with magnetic dry erase
Complete Book of Alphabet and Numbers
<---------This is what hubby looked like when I showed him my list.
So far, I have:
A Beka: language, math, writing, reading, reading comprehension, history, science, and health
Spelling Power
Painless American Government for Civics
The Learnables for Spanish
Sign of the Beaver, The Hobbit, Diary of Anne Frank (still making the reading list....we will be using A Beka's readers also.)
I am also hunting something to suppliment writing.
Oh, and I get the student books, teacher editions, tests, and test keys for the subjects listed above. I do not buy the curriculum guides, as I like to make my own schedule.

For my preschooler, Hannah: (so far)
A Beka: complete child and parent kits (I will be buying 2 child kits because Gavin will be doing K4 right after Hannah finishes.)
Alphbet board with magnetic dry erase
Complete Book of Alphabet and Numbers

Well, I've been working on curriculum for the last 2 weeks. I buy all of our stuff with our income tax so I needed to get everything in order. We still are using Sonlight, we love it and when you break it down over 4 kids it is not too pricey. Although every year of teaching Noah is huge!!!!
So our plans look like this~
Noah 3rd. grade~
Sonlight Core 2 intermediate readers(this is new, only for core 2)
this will include~ history, reader's, bible and read alouds, geography.
Sonlight Science 2
Horizons Math 3
Growing With Grammar 3
Wordly Wise B
Smart Start Homeschool Art Series
Adrien Kindergarten~
Horizons K Math (he likes workbooks
Developing the Early Learner
Can You Find Me?
Straight Talk
I will probably order everything by March 1st. Can't wait either....
Although I might have to purchase another bookshelf
So our plans look like this~
Noah 3rd. grade~
Sonlight Core 2 intermediate readers(this is new, only for core 2)
this will include~ history, reader's, bible and read alouds, geography.
Sonlight Science 2
Horizons Math 3
Growing With Grammar 3
Wordly Wise B
Smart Start Homeschool Art Series
Adrien Kindergarten~
Horizons K Math (he likes workbooks

Developing the Early Learner
Can You Find Me?
Straight Talk
I will probably order everything by March 1st. Can't wait either....

Although I might have to purchase another bookshelf

Again, I must comment...you ladies are on the ball!
I will have a good idea by May, that is when we go to the CHAP conference in Harrisburg.
I will make my list, look over what I can and then buy, by the end of May...beginning of June. Then I have the summer to look over everything and start up in mid August.
DM...my friend who has everything for high school...she goes by The Well Trained Mind. I don't know what she has though. If you haven't read TWTM, it is a good one to read.
English: most likely stick w/ Rod & Staff
Math: Abeka
Scienc: Apologia for 7th grade. ? for 3rd grade
History: MOH
Latin: Latina Christian
I am not sure what else.
For those of you buying now...are going to start w/ it soon, or is it for next year?
Also, I got a cataloge from Winter Promise...it makes me curious...but I would like to see it first. I noticed she was from Alaska..for all of you Alaska ladies.
I will have a good idea by May, that is when we go to the CHAP conference in Harrisburg.
I will make my list, look over what I can and then buy, by the end of May...beginning of June. Then I have the summer to look over everything and start up in mid August.
DM...my friend who has everything for high school...she goes by The Well Trained Mind. I don't know what she has though. If you haven't read TWTM, it is a good one to read.
English: most likely stick w/ Rod & Staff
Math: Abeka
Scienc: Apologia for 7th grade. ? for 3rd grade
History: MOH
Latin: Latina Christian
I am not sure what else.
For those of you buying now...are going to start w/ it soon, or is it for next year?
Also, I got a cataloge from Winter Promise...it makes me curious...but I would like to see it first. I noticed she was from Alaska..for all of you Alaska ladies.
QUOTE(Sammi @ Feb 2 2006, 09:45 AM)
For those of you buying now...are going to start w/ it soon, or is it for next year?
We always start using our new books around the 2nd week of July. We homeschool year-round, taking the month of June off. The 2nd week of July marks the beginning of our new school year.

I am thinking of starting year round too.
I get so lazy over our summer breaks... and we never seem to have enough time to do all the work during the "school year".
I was thinking maybe 2 weeks on and one off???
I saw that Winter Promise site === bookmarked it too.
I will have INFO OVERLOAD before long.
I get so lazy over our summer breaks... and we never seem to have enough time to do all the work during the "school year".
I was thinking maybe 2 weeks on and one off???

I saw that Winter Promise site === bookmarked it too.
I will have INFO OVERLOAD before long.

We go year round, too. It has worked very well for us.
QUOTE(Melanie @ Feb 2 2006, 11:32 AM)
We go year round, too. It has worked very well for us.
Us too...smaller more frequent breaks work best for me.
QUOTE(HomeschoolLady03 @ Feb 2 2006, 08:54 AM)
We always start using our new books around the 2nd week of July. We homeschool year-round, taking the month of June off. The 2nd week of July marks the beginning of our new school year.
We go year round also for a number of reasons 
First: the kids forget less this way,
secondly: It is too hot in July and August for the kids to play outside so why not do school
Thirdly we can take a break when we want to .. so if something comes up we are off school, though we schedule 4 weeks on and 1 off (the little ones get Tired/bored by that time and need the break)
some times we need a 5th week so we keep going and take next week off or holidays make it a bit different, but this way we can doas we please... Like when dh had a trip to Chicago we were able to pack up big kids this time and go along... we took school books, but did NOT do a full day every day as we were exploring a bunch of the time....
We schooled year round until we moved to Alaska. The summer here is too short to school through! We do little bits, but if something fun comes up we head out!
This year we are supposed to move sometime between June & Aug....so I am not sure when school will start again. We are planning to finish everything by the 2nd week of June.
This year we are supposed to move sometime between June & Aug....so I am not sure when school will start again. We are planning to finish everything by the 2nd week of June.
OOOH I forgot I was going to tell you about a supplement I use
I get the "Complete book of" series. They are from American Education Publishing (and others)
The books cost $15 each if bought anywhere other than Sams but I get them for $5.82 each so I use them for extra help or to suplement subjects likeHistory Sceince Language and math...
I get the "Complete book of" series. They are from American Education Publishing (and others)
The books cost $15 each if bought anywhere other than Sams but I get them for $5.82 each so I use them for extra help or to suplement subjects likeHistory Sceince Language and math...
Our school year should end by June 06th, (
to anyway) then we will start Aug. 07th. We will have 8.5 weeks off of "official" school, but I am planning on having Noah read at least 2-4 pages every day out of a reader of his choice and to practice his math facts, probably with either flash cards or wrap-ups.

We take the summer off, b'c of my oldest going to regular school. Keeps us all on the same schedule, I wonder what we will do after she graduates this year?
I wouldn't be surprised if we still kept the same schedule. They do have friends in the neighborhood...who have off in the summer.
I wouldn't be surprised if we still kept the same schedule. They do have friends in the neighborhood...who have off in the summer.
QUOTE(HomeschoolLady03 @ Feb 2 2006, 08:54 AM)
We always start using our new books around the 2nd week of July. We homeschool year-round, taking the month of June off. The 2nd week of July marks the beginning of our new school year. 

That is waht we will be doing this year. We have already taken so many "forced" breaks due to things out of our control. I am ready for normality.
I did call Rod and Staff to get some samples. I have to get on the ball for finding new math for us next year. I also want to look at Saxon.
For everyone who hs all year round...don't your children want to play outside w/ the other kids who have off during the summer months?
QUOTE(krodriguez @ Feb 2 2006, 12:24 PM)
I did call Rod and Staff to get some samples.
QUOTE(Sammi @ Feb 2 2006, 01:29 PM)
For everyone who hs all year round...don't your children want to play outside w/ the other kids who have off during the summer months?
We did this last year, and it didn't work out for us...but that is just us. We kind of enjoy our summer break.
Having said that...............I don't wanna plan for next year.....I know that since I use straight Abeka.....planning what to purchase is relatively easy.
QUOTE(Sammi @ Feb 2 2006, 01:29 PM)
For everyone who hs all year round...don't your children want to play outside w/ the other kids who have off during the summer months?
They all play outside daily during summer (unless it's raining). The great thing about year-round schooling is you can shorten your school day.

For example: In my state, I am supposed to do a minimum of 175 days @ 6 hours per day.
Most years, we do well over 200 days and that shortens our school day. I think we hit 230 or 240 days last year or the year before that. (I can't remember exactly without looking it up.)
Also, we start early in the morning.

QUOTE(Sammi @ Feb 2 2006, 01:29 PM)
For everyone who hs all year round...don't your children want to play outside w/ the other kids who have off during the summer months?
Of course, and they have plenty of time to do it. We hardly ever spend more than 3-4 hours a day doing lessons, and we spend less time than that during traditional vacations.
We also split our time up, especially during the summer months. We do an hour in the early morning (usually math) they go outside, they come in to eat, we do an hour of school (usually language arts) they go back out, and we do an hour after dinner (usually science or history.)
Since we live in the south now, it makes even more sense to have school in the summer because it is so miserable outside most of time. Nobody plays outside in the afternoon - it is just too hot.
We will be getting MUS 4th...don't remember what they named it.
I'm thinking about RC.....
I'm tired of fighting everyone to do there work.......And I burned out too quickly w/ R&S.
I will probably be buying in April or May.
John is already going to be working in a 2nd grade workbook I have for him starting tomorrow or Monday.
I'm thinking about RC.....
I'm tired of fighting everyone to do there work.......And I burned out too quickly w/ R&S.
I will probably be buying in April or May.
John is already going to be working in a 2nd grade workbook I have for him starting tomorrow or Monday.

Oh, We school year long.
Makes it easier for our huge break we took in Nov, Dec and part of Jan. When John was so sick.....
Makes it easier for our huge break we took in Nov, Dec and part of Jan. When John was so sick.....
I am looking at RC because I am tired of the fighting about doing work too!
I will check to see how year round will work in our state and with the high school requirements.
We take a lot of "unintentional" breaks and end up working into much of the summer anyway.

I will check to see how year round will work in our state and with the high school requirements.
We take a lot of "unintentional" breaks and end up working into much of the summer anyway.

We school year round because we are inside anyways durning our 120* summers.
Last year we got up to 123* And let me tell you we were not outside at all that day.
It's much nicer right now anyways.....if we didn't get so far behind when John was so sick I would be outside right now.
When we get the fence up I asked hubby to make me a picnic style table so we could do school outside. durning the spring and winter. Fall is still pretty hot where we are.
Blaise uses RC.....I don't know how much "fighting" she has w/ it
If I have to do this much again....My kids will go to school
Last year we got up to 123* And let me tell you we were not outside at all that day.

It's much nicer right now anyways.....if we didn't get so far behind when John was so sick I would be outside right now.
When we get the fence up I asked hubby to make me a picnic style table so we could do school outside. durning the spring and winter. Fall is still pretty hot where we are.
Blaise uses RC.....I don't know how much "fighting" she has w/ it
If I have to do this much again....My kids will go to school

QUOTE(chocolatelover @ Feb 2 2006, 03:31 PM)
We school year round because we are inside anyways durning our 120* summers.
Last year we got up to 123* And let me tell you we were not outside at all that day.
Last year we got up to 123* And let me tell you we were not outside at all that day.

It is the humidity that gets us. It'll be 96 degrees, and the mugginess just makes you want to lay down and die.
I think the hottest I've ever been was in Nebraska. We went to the state fair, and that afternoon it was 104, with no breeze at all. We didn't stay long!
QUOTE(Sammi @ Feb 2 2006, 01:29 PM)
For everyone who hs all year round...don't your children want to play outside w/ the other kids who have off during the summer months?
I would make my kids do their work early in the morning, before they were allowed to have friends over or go over.
Also, in many ps, they are sending home quite a bit of work for use of parents keeping their kids doing school now that they have stuff to do just like us homeschooler's.
If I told my kids...we are doing school this summer...
You would here it!
But honestly, I like my summers off too. It gives me time to plan, w/out pressure.

But honestly, I like my summers off too. It gives me time to plan, w/out pressure.
QUOTE(krodriguez @ Feb 2 2006, 01:24 PM)
That is waht we will be doing this year. We have already taken so many "forced" breaks due to things out of our control. I am ready for normality.
I did call Rod and Staff to get some samples. I have to get on the ball for finding new math for us next year. I also want to look at Saxon.
I did call Rod and Staff to get some samples. I have to get on the ball for finding new math for us next year. I also want to look at Saxon.
Did you ever check into Math-U-See.
We love it.
QUOTE(Sammi @ Feb 2 2006, 01:29 PM)
For everyone who hs all year round...don't your children want to play outside w/ the other kids who have off during the summer months?
We'll probably keep it light--just math and reading. That's what we did last year and it wasn't too bad.
Another thing is that most of the neighborhood kids are gone at day care or day camp or something because their parent(s) work.
The only kids that mine hang out w/ are nieces and nephews and they come inside to play durning summer....
When their mom's allow them to visit.
When their mom's allow them to visit.

I've got only two more years to go and they are roughly planned out. If I have to buy anything, it'll be very little.

We like our summer break. I do want to start back a little earlier this year because I want more wiggle room in the year to take time off. "I" need the time off to regroup and get ready to start again.....
My oldest (in 9th) I am looking at
Hewitt Lightning Lit
Algebra 2.... I think.... she's struggling with Algebra 1... I'm hoping her meds need adjusting...
Apologia Biology
Exploring America (history)
Rosetta Stone Spanish
I'm not sure what else.....
My son in 6th:
Saxon 7/6
Bob Jones reading 6th
Easy Grammar
Spelling Power
All American History (although we will probably finish Mystery of History first)
I'm looking at science options now....
Not sure what else...
My daughter in 3rd grade:
Saxon 3
I'm not sure actually..... she's mu hardest because her reading level isn't quite up to grace level..... I have several options to agonize over.....
I got my copy of Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks from the library today.... I'm hoping it will help me sort it out...
My oldest (in 9th) I am looking at
Hewitt Lightning Lit
Algebra 2.... I think.... she's struggling with Algebra 1... I'm hoping her meds need adjusting...
Apologia Biology
Exploring America (history)
Rosetta Stone Spanish
I'm not sure what else.....
My son in 6th:
Saxon 7/6
Bob Jones reading 6th
Easy Grammar
Spelling Power
All American History (although we will probably finish Mystery of History first)
I'm looking at science options now....
Not sure what else...
My daughter in 3rd grade:
Saxon 3
I'm not sure actually..... she's mu hardest because her reading level isn't quite up to grace level..... I have several options to agonize over.....
I got my copy of Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks from the library today.... I'm hoping it will help me sort it out...
This year I'm continuing the books from last year, as I started all new books mid year after coming out of school. In the next 2 weeks I'm hoping to have finished my current science book, as according to my grade level I should be starting book 3 now, and I'm still finishing book 1 (the ps didn't do science until I was in high school-year 8)
. We have 40 weeks of school a year, same as the schools.

We schooled all year while we lived in Florida, but I don't think that we will do that here. We have to enjoy the sunny days while we can. Unless we are far behind. But, we have been pushing ahead the last couple of weeks and are getting caught up. I am thinking about purchasing some of the cirriculum for next year, but I am very torn. I did get Rosetta Stone Spanish, but DH really wanted that. I need to get the kids going on that one. I told DH he couldn't take it to sea with him so if the kids don't work on it I will be in big trouble.

Oh yea, Maria, I did look into Math U See and don't like the DVD approach. I love teaching the girls. Maybe in a couple of years it will be enticing to me.
Yep, spent last weekend planning the whole curriculum out. Now I just have to buy the books. Then spend about two weeks this summer planning out lessons.
As for the break issue, we take about 8 weeks off. I use this time to catch up on sewing, closet cleaning, menu planning, floor scrubbing, etc. For the last two summers I've hired a companion for dd (highschool aged babysitter) one day a week so I could devote the time to sewing. Hopefully I'll be able to afford two days this summer and get more done before we start school.
As for the break issue, we take about 8 weeks off. I use this time to catch up on sewing, closet cleaning, menu planning, floor scrubbing, etc. For the last two summers I've hired a companion for dd (highschool aged babysitter) one day a week so I could devote the time to sewing. Hopefully I'll be able to afford two days this summer and get more done before we start school.
Today I bought some of Diana Waring's What in the World is Going on Here CD's. We will be listening to them in the car as we travel. They look really good and were highly recommended to me by a friend and her 11 y/o Ds.
QUOTE(Tressa @ Feb 3 2006, 11:18 PM)
I did get Rosetta Stone Spanish, but DH really wanted that. I need to get the kids going on that one. I told DH he couldn't take it to sea with him so if the kids don't work on it I will be in big trouble. 

Do you like it? I have been wanting to buy it for the girls bc I have heard it is so good. It is just kinda pricey. I would love to hear your opinion.
I have been considering buying Rosetta Stone stuff, too. But yesterday Dh emailed me some library information, and it turns out military members can access Rosetta Stone materials online! How cool is that? I have to go into the library to set up an account, but I will let everyone know if it is available to the entire military or just the Air Force or just this base, because I couldn't find that out on the website.

QUOTE(MomofBunbun @ Feb 2 2006, 09:56 PM)
Another thing is that most of the neighborhood kids are gone at day care or day camp or something because their parent(s) work.

Well, I have changed my mind..........I think......
For Austin:
Spelling: Steck-Vaughn Spelling
Grammer: Bob Jones Grammer and Writing (I will also add another writing program in with this.....I haven't made up my mind which one.)
Math: Saxon
Science: Alpha Omega
History: Beautiful Feet
Health: Health Quest
Civics: Painless American Government and It Happened in the White House
Spanish: The Learnables
Amos Fortune, Free Man
Chronicles of Narnia (the entire 7 book set)
The Hobbit
Swiss Holiday
Childrens Enclopedia of US History
Daily Life in a Plains Indian Village
Daily Life in a Covered Wagon
Civil War A to Z
Davy Crockett: His Own Story
Sojourner Truth: Ain't I a Woman?
The Story of George Washington Carver
(library books will also be added to this list-----the books above I wanted to add to our home library)
Bible: daily devotions and Bible reading
Current Events: newspaper reading

For Austin:
Spelling: Steck-Vaughn Spelling
Grammer: Bob Jones Grammer and Writing (I will also add another writing program in with this.....I haven't made up my mind which one.)
Math: Saxon
Science: Alpha Omega
History: Beautiful Feet
Health: Health Quest
Civics: Painless American Government and It Happened in the White House
Spanish: The Learnables
Amos Fortune, Free Man
Chronicles of Narnia (the entire 7 book set)
The Hobbit
Swiss Holiday
Childrens Enclopedia of US History
Daily Life in a Plains Indian Village
Daily Life in a Covered Wagon
Civil War A to Z
Davy Crockett: His Own Story
Sojourner Truth: Ain't I a Woman?
The Story of George Washington Carver
(library books will also be added to this list-----the books above I wanted to add to our home library)
Bible: daily devotions and Bible reading
Current Events: newspaper reading
Kenetha, looks like you a good list there. I was thinking about what I will need next year and it doesn't look like I need much.

I think I have just about everything for next year picked out. I still need to start working on the year-long history study we will be doing. I am nervous about that bc it will be by books and other sources not a text book. That is okay though. I am sure it will be great!
Next year I actually do have a bit planned already.
Michael will be around a 4th grade level.
I have a grammar/lit book from a friend that looks good, plus some accompanying workbooks and extra activities. I figure if we hate it we'll change to something else. I loved our math book this year (that I picked up for a buck) and found the 4th grade one on ebay.
I only need to figure out how to work out cursive with him, and history is, as always, more themed study using books from the library and I think we are focusing on state history along with the normal interest based stuff we normally do. Science, he is still so interested in it I do not feel we need anything beyond his normal interest led studies. And that goes for the whole family. If we have a theme there, I think we will be working on Life Science/Biology with the whole family. Some computer programs, as well.
Benjamin will be 1st/2nd. Mostly unschooled as was Michael at this age, but with his choice of work in the main subjects from various workbook type books we are supplementing with. Computer programs, don't need to buy anything yet as he is doing well with the books we have and have not finished them yet, plus I have a 2nd grade version plus he does a lot of Michael's activities with him. The other thing I want to look into is finding if Michael's 3rd grade book has a 2nd grade version... still looking.
Emilie will be 1st grade/late Kindergartener. I will get her another workbook plus supplement with other things the rest of us are doing.
Nathanael wants so badly to do "homecooling" and I have some stuff planned for him. Tom got a sample book from work called Advanced Preschool... it has an activity for every day, plus I have other cheap ones that he loves doing now, and we'll keep up with that. Michael hated this kind of work at 4, even though he could read and was so advanced... Nathanael seems this way too but LOVES doing book type work.
Keep in mind this is all done around our normal unschooling routines lol.... which covers all our supplementary learning. We do no more than 3-4 hours a day and learning continues beyond our formal school day, formal being used loosely here LOL.
I feel good having a plan at all!
Michael will be around a 4th grade level.
I have a grammar/lit book from a friend that looks good, plus some accompanying workbooks and extra activities. I figure if we hate it we'll change to something else. I loved our math book this year (that I picked up for a buck) and found the 4th grade one on ebay.
I only need to figure out how to work out cursive with him, and history is, as always, more themed study using books from the library and I think we are focusing on state history along with the normal interest based stuff we normally do. Science, he is still so interested in it I do not feel we need anything beyond his normal interest led studies. And that goes for the whole family. If we have a theme there, I think we will be working on Life Science/Biology with the whole family. Some computer programs, as well.
Benjamin will be 1st/2nd. Mostly unschooled as was Michael at this age, but with his choice of work in the main subjects from various workbook type books we are supplementing with. Computer programs, don't need to buy anything yet as he is doing well with the books we have and have not finished them yet, plus I have a 2nd grade version plus he does a lot of Michael's activities with him. The other thing I want to look into is finding if Michael's 3rd grade book has a 2nd grade version... still looking.
Emilie will be 1st grade/late Kindergartener. I will get her another workbook plus supplement with other things the rest of us are doing.
Nathanael wants so badly to do "homecooling" and I have some stuff planned for him. Tom got a sample book from work called Advanced Preschool... it has an activity for every day, plus I have other cheap ones that he loves doing now, and we'll keep up with that. Michael hated this kind of work at 4, even though he could read and was so advanced... Nathanael seems this way too but LOVES doing book type work.
Keep in mind this is all done around our normal unschooling routines lol.... which covers all our supplementary learning. We do no more than 3-4 hours a day and learning continues beyond our formal school day, formal being used loosely here LOL.
I feel good having a plan at all!

I have not really decided to plan ahead as of yet.
But I do know ds at 6 is telling me he likes the Alpha Omega stuff. . .other bro are working on it since I had the old teacher book from last year and used the same on the youngers. . .. he saw it and said he wanted it. ..so basically I started at the first and letting him go thru it at his pace till we get to the challenging stuff.
He is zooming thru the first parts. . .and I don't have the Teacher Book as they were out when I was in last. . .I ordered them and hope they come in soon
May stick with Alpha Omega till we tire of it
But I do know ds at 6 is telling me he likes the Alpha Omega stuff. . .other bro are working on it since I had the old teacher book from last year and used the same on the youngers. . .. he saw it and said he wanted it. ..so basically I started at the first and letting him go thru it at his pace till we get to the challenging stuff.
He is zooming thru the first parts. . .and I don't have the Teacher Book as they were out when I was in last. . .I ordered them and hope they come in soon
May stick with Alpha Omega till we tire of it
Well I ordered everything but the speech program last night
This morning I tried to oreder it but they said the address didn't match my cc
Oh how frustrated I am now. I'm not having a good time lately with interent orders. I will have to call them and see what I can do about it. I have changed my address at the bank but apparently the computer doesn't realize that.

I'm still doing some research on the planning end. I do know that Cassie will be using Christian Liberty Academy for 10th grade, with some substitutions and additions. Jessica will be using Christian Liberty this year as well for 8th grade, with some substitutions and additions. Jacob will continue using Saxon.
As far as year round, yep we will. I hadn't planned on it, but that is how things will turn out. With the whole showing-the-house thing, it is unavoidable. *sigh* I'm in the process of reviewing our schedule now to see what we'll be doing in the summer. Hopefully they will have pretty light days.
As far as year round, yep we will. I hadn't planned on it, but that is how things will turn out. With the whole showing-the-house thing, it is unavoidable. *sigh* I'm in the process of reviewing our schedule now to see what we'll be doing in the summer. Hopefully they will have pretty light days.
I still need to start working on the year-long history study we will be doing. I am nervous about that bc it will be by books and other sources not a text book. That is okay though. I am sure it will be great!
I would like to get more into geography next year and do history along with that. Haven't made any plans yet.
Yeah, Kelley
What year long history study will you doing????
I'm going to be doing something similar ( I think ) but ours will last alot longer than a year.
What year long history study will you doing????
I'm going to be doing something similar ( I think ) but ours will last alot longer than a year.
Well, I am sending my order off on Tuesday. 
I did make a few changes. I decided to go with Apologia Zoology for science. I switched my health program to ..........I cannot remember the name.
I also added more reading books. Oh, and I added Writing Strands.

I did make a few changes. I decided to go with Apologia Zoology for science. I switched my health program to ..........I cannot remember the name.

What did you pick for health?
I haven't done an actual health program since 2nd grade. I find it so hard to fit it all in.
I haven't done an actual health program since 2nd grade. I find it so hard to fit it all in.

whe I want a good health program I use Abeka. otherwise I just do it on a daily basis since much of helath is covered in science when it concerns the body. At least it is in our science for the moment.
whe I want a good health program I use Abeka. otherwise I just do it on a daily basis since much of helath is covered in science when it concerns the body. At least it is in our science for the moment.
I decided to go with Apologia Zoology for science.
Ds is going to use this as well. I looked at A Reason For Science & really liked it, but he did not. The writing scares him. I'll have to work writing in anohter way (such as the experiment notebook he'll be putting together).
What did you pick for health?
I haven't done an actual health program since 2nd grade. I find it so hard to fit it all in.

I cannot remember for the life of me......LOL!
I'll check my list at RR and I'll get back to you. I know I ordered two books which I thought would compliment each other nicely.

We have a big homeschool fair the third week of March every year that I get most of my curriculum from. I like to look on the net to see curriculums suggested by other homeschoolers, but it's good to be able to go to the fairs too, that way you can actually get your hands on them and thumb through to see if it is going to be a fit for your children or not. And alot of times, I end up with something different from what I thought I was going to get. Like last year, I was POSITIVE I would buy Abeka math again. But I ended up buying Math-U-See, and I'm sooooo glad I did! Plus these homeschool fairs are like a vacation to me, no kids or time limits! I can't wait for them each year! My sister and I both homeschool, so we go together! It's great fun

I had forgot to buy Adrien's phonics workbook
Just goes to show what happens when I get overstressed. But I ordered it and it should be here anyday now.
FYI~ the speech program that I bought looks pret

FYI~ the speech program that I bought looks pret
Our school year will probably end the middle of May,cause my youngest and I are going to the east coast with my mother...We will be visiting Boston,Concord N.H.,Freeport Maine,Rome New York,Saratoga Springs New York(my nephew is graduating College),Gouvenuer,New York(my oldest daughter lives there),Canada and then back home for the King Tut Exhibit..after this we will need another vacation..LOL
Now for next year, we are useing Tapestry of Grace..and will be finishing Year 1..for Math I will be printing out worksheets and using Saxon Math,Langauage Arts is included in the curriculum as is Science,geography and History,Social Studies,Vocabulary and other subjects that I can't think of at this hour.
Now for next year, we are useing Tapestry of Grace..and will be finishing Year 1..for Math I will be printing out worksheets and using Saxon Math,Langauage Arts is included in the curriculum as is Science,geography and History,Social Studies,Vocabulary and other subjects that I can't think of at this hour.
I am planning now.....especially now......I had toyed with the idea of at least sending Colleen back to school but my hubby said this is not what the Lord is leading us to do.
he said that as of right now we will be going thru high school.......It was so nice of him to let me know.....now I can get myself geared for that.....
he said that as of right now we will be going thru high school.......It was so nice of him to let me know.....now I can get myself geared for that.....

I am planning now.....especially now......I had toyed with the idea of at least sending Colleen back to school but my hubby said this is not what the Lord is leading us to do.
he said that as of right now we will be going thru high school.......It was so nice of him to let me know.....now I can get myself geared for that.....

Why were you thinking of sending Colleen back?

I take notes and do planning all year. Last year and during this year I bought so much stuff. I think because I was freaking out about high school
I also bought 3, 4th and 5th grade stuff at used bookstores when I found something great.
I think I just need to look through what I have and then make a list of what is still needed.
I need to buy Apologia Physics and Teaching Textbooks Geometry and decide on a history book.
I'll post a better list in April. I can't do much planning this month due to classes I have to teach in March that still need a little tweaking

I also bought 3, 4th and 5th grade stuff at used bookstores when I found something great.
I think I just need to look through what I have and then make a list of what is still needed.
I need to buy Apologia Physics and Teaching Textbooks Geometry and decide on a history book.
I'll post a better list in April. I can't do much planning this month due to classes I have to teach in March that still need a little tweaking

After I read this thread last night I sat down and did some planning. I'll be ordering some things during an upcoming spring sale. I pretty much know what I need so it shouldn't be too complicated.

We are using Sonlight 3 & 7 this year, but we really need to get into something more hands on for next year. I am looking at Winter Promise Curriculum for next year. I think it will work for all the Dc and it is more hands on w/ activities.
I am also looking at going back to Mystery of History that I bought. Still deciding...
I had never heard of this curriculum so I checked it out.

I need grace today

Spring Break could not have come at a better time

I wonder the same thing Lisa

I just received our order from Rainbow Resource a few days ago.
Now I can start some actual planning. I won't go into great detail with my planning yet but I do plan on:
* deciding how many days to school next year (we have to do a minimum of 175 but we usually do around 200 days)
* deciding how many semesters/weeks/days for each subject
* dividing each book up to see how many pages we have to do to fit our goals
Let the fun begin......
I'm so weird! I just LOVE to plan.
Now I can start some actual planning. I won't go into great detail with my planning yet but I do plan on:
* deciding how many days to school next year (we have to do a minimum of 175 but we usually do around 200 days)
* deciding how many semesters/weeks/days for each subject
* dividing each book up to see how many pages we have to do to fit our goals
Let the fun begin......

I'm so weird! I just LOVE to plan.

I love to plan too.
Isn't it strange, that you are required 175 days, we are required 180 days...hmmmm, shouldn't is all be the same?
My oldest, who is graduating this year from ps, needs 180, but there are so many 1/2 days, that they count as full.
I love to plan too.
Isn't it strange, that you are required 175 days, we are required 180 days...hmmmm, shouldn't is all be the same?
My oldest, who is graduating this year from ps, needs 180, but there are so many 1/2 days, that they count as full.

I think our public schools require 180 also but the homechooling laws want 900 hours.....which is 180 days if you school 5 hours a day. I wish is was just 180 days, but I dont' ahve to turn in attendence records so I guess it doen'st matter.
I'm not doing any planning with our books until I get done with this year and take a break. We have the books in the house, but I need to just get done, and take a break before I start back up again.
I'm not doing any planning with our books until I get done with this year and take a break. We have the books in the house, but I need to just get done, and take a break before I start back up again.
Our state requirements are
*a minimum of 175 days
*a minimum of 1050 hours
We always do more than the requirements...
*a minimum of 175 days
*a minimum of 1050 hours
We always do more than the requirements...

Next year?
I can't seem to get thru this year! We are so far behind. DS starts 9th next year. High School, here we come!!! I really need to make myself sit down & plan. I'm thinking of changing from Saxon Math to ?????. DS hates Saxon. This year he's doing Alg I. We run into things I can't remember how to do & they don't give clear reasons of why to do it, it just shows an example & says do it. Need to do alot of research on other math.
Oh well, maybe now that our lives have calmed down, I can get back to a regular schedule & begin planning the next 4 years.

Oh well, maybe now that our lives have calmed down, I can get back to a regular schedule & begin planning the next 4 years.
I am going to start a math topic.
I am going to start a math topic.
I know that since I use straight Abeka.....planning what to purchase is relatively easy.
OK since you use Abeka can you tell me about their reading and History? I have lots of questions before I order. I am going to a display on Thursday to actually see some books, and I have gotten some of the readers from Ebay at 1-2 dollars each instead of the 11.95 for new. I still need to start working on the year-long history study we will be doing. I am nervous about that bc it will be by books and other sources not a text book. That is okay though. I am sure it will be great!
Yeah, Kelley
What year long history study will you doing????I'm going to be doing something similar ( I think ) but ours will last alot longer than a year.
What year long history study will you doing????I'm going to be doing something similar ( I think ) but ours will last alot longer than a year.
Kelley and Tanya
PLEASE Tell me about your History study.. I am so afraid to do anything like that yet....
What exactly are you wanting to know about the history?
Ok, I've completed lesson plans for all 3 levels of math, 6/7, Alg I & Alg II. Apologia Physical Science is complete and Zoology almost complete. Need to begin Chemistry. Need to complete Story of the Constitution, LLATL Tan, and begin Vocabulary from Classical Roots B.
At that point I can pack up the books for the move in a couple weeks and not think about it again until the fall. Reminder to self... print off plans and put in binders.
At that point I can pack up the books for the move in a couple weeks and not think about it again until the fall. Reminder to self... print off plans and put in binders.
All I have done so far is think about what I want to do. No planning. Right now I just want to quit. I am sick of it all.
I'll start planning in May after the kids are done with their evaluations and testing.

I have the pages in all the books planned out for each day, no specific plans down. I will do that 2 weeks in advance when the times comes. I am currently working on some Unit studies so that we have enough days in for the requirements and because we are schooling year round. I wanted some more fun stuff to take a break away from the more formal stuff. 3 weeks of formal and then a week of unit study and science.
Ahhh the old planning for next year!!! I am so tired of dong school right now..... do I have ot plan ahead
Okay, okay..... its all in my head right now.... all in my head!!!

Okay, okay..... its all in my head right now.... all in my head!!!

We hs year round because of the flexibility. We love being able to take field trips and attend events whenever we want.
We are set for our 1st grade curriculm which has just started. We started Pre-K Jan 2005, Kindergarten by Aug 2005. I let my daughter set the pace, so we have to make specific plans for number of lessons, etc. each month. Science and history are mapped out in unit themes for each month.
I got several books used from my homeschool group. My new books came in last week, and we started right away (some we had borrowed from the library to start & test out first):
Math: Saxon 1 & 2, (still typing up worksheets while waiting on workbooks)
Lang: First Language Lessons and Phonics Pathways (I use the word lists on my word wall, and teach the rules, dd never sees the book)
Reading Comprehension: Using abc teach print outs for that, and she just started taking the Reading Adventures quizzes.
Spelling: I come up with the lists, but I downloaded Zaner Bloser's homework kit from the web.
Handwriting: I printed up sheets for practicing numbers and letters (2 of each from one of the handwriting websites) and also printed up Starfall's Level 2.
History: Usbourne World History / Kingfisher Ancients
Science: Usbourne World of Animals & Complete Book of Animals, Complete Book of Space, Van Cleave's Experiment Books (Physics, Chemistry, Human Body & I already picked up Dinosaurs)
Hubby ordered me a really cool projection microscope that was on clearance for $25!! He also ordered "his" telescope.
Spanish: Complete Book of Spanish (Walmart special!)
The rest of reading, science, art, and history/geography will be from library books.
Hope everyone enjoys this part as much as I do.
We are set for our 1st grade curriculm which has just started. We started Pre-K Jan 2005, Kindergarten by Aug 2005. I let my daughter set the pace, so we have to make specific plans for number of lessons, etc. each month. Science and history are mapped out in unit themes for each month.
I got several books used from my homeschool group. My new books came in last week, and we started right away (some we had borrowed from the library to start & test out first):
Math: Saxon 1 & 2, (still typing up worksheets while waiting on workbooks)
Lang: First Language Lessons and Phonics Pathways (I use the word lists on my word wall, and teach the rules, dd never sees the book)
Reading Comprehension: Using abc teach print outs for that, and she just started taking the Reading Adventures quizzes.
Spelling: I come up with the lists, but I downloaded Zaner Bloser's homework kit from the web.
Handwriting: I printed up sheets for practicing numbers and letters (2 of each from one of the handwriting websites) and also printed up Starfall's Level 2.
History: Usbourne World History / Kingfisher Ancients
Science: Usbourne World of Animals & Complete Book of Animals, Complete Book of Space, Van Cleave's Experiment Books (Physics, Chemistry, Human Body & I already picked up Dinosaurs)
Hubby ordered me a really cool projection microscope that was on clearance for $25!! He also ordered "his" telescope.
Spanish: Complete Book of Spanish (Walmart special!)
The rest of reading, science, art, and history/geography will be from library books.
Hope everyone enjoys this part as much as I do.
We have our schooling ready for our next term as well.(July1) We homeschool all year round as well.
Its a real load of my mind when the actual books are here and I have gone through what I am going to teach in each class.
Its a real load of my mind when the actual books are here and I have gone through what I am going to teach in each class.
I have only been thinking. I need to have my thinking almost done for the conference Mother's Day weekend, 2nd weekend in May.
Until then...just thinking!
I will order at the conference or end of May, beginning of June and then we start again around the 2nd week of August.
I am so looking forward to school to be done. I need to do the big clean!
Until then...just thinking!
I will order at the conference or end of May, beginning of June and then we start again around the 2nd week of August.
I am so looking forward to school to be done. I need to do the big clean!
I can't believe some of you are buying for next year already!
I am so impressed at your organizational skills...totally amazed.
Well I'm not that organized LOL This is our time of the year to buy though. I'm at a place where I know what we are using, we are not going to change now so I do the purchasing but then it sits. It sits until this year of schooling is over and then my summer is used for planning out next year.
I have a friend, whose son will start 9th grade next year. She has already purchased all of his curriculum through high school!
I can't imagine purchasing it all, already LOL I oldest is 9th grade this year so I don't have as much to purchase for my 8th grader (soon to be 9th grader) which is nice! Most of our high school curriculua will be reusable for all the kids.

Well, beings I had removed DD in the middle of the year. I had just went ahead and bought for the next yr. 9th. So....she's already in the 9th. Even though she should only be in the 8th. I figured there was no need in buying 8th grade materials and have to fork our more $$$ for 9th within a matter of months. I will keep up with her work much better this year, beings this is the year for credits. Even though we are not on a credit system, HS'ing. I guess I mean, I'm trying to make sure certain works get put into a book for each subject. Just in case if she needs them in the future.
As far as planning. Im too much of a procrastinator, not to mention we get behind sometimes(Why we HS year round so to speak) I type up her work week by week sometimes 2, and check off what gets done and put in grades in the blocks. Much easier for me to keep up with. Of course she has her sheets, and I have mine.
As far as planning. Im too much of a procrastinator, not to mention we get behind sometimes(Why we HS year round so to speak) I type up her work week by week sometimes 2, and check off what gets done and put in grades in the blocks. Much easier for me to keep up with. Of course she has her sheets, and I have mine.
I am starting to think about it. Still processing the rest of this year right now. Looking at what we have accomplished, the testing is done- results will be here in May, and what we have left until June 30
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