
HSF: Discussions between Homeschoolers

Curriculum List For K, 3rd, & 4th


I have made some decisions finally... (all subject to change at a moments notice)

Math - Saxon K
Handwriting - Worksheets from Online and some basic books we got at Sam's
Reading/Phonics -, Bob Books other online phonics and workbook pages
Social Studies - will be learning about community and other simple things If I find a GOOD kindergarten text I will get it but....
Science - have NO idea yet

3rd Grade
Math - Saxon 3
Spelling - Zaner-Bloser 3
Handwriting - Zaner-Bloser 3
Reading - Abeka Readers 3
Social Studies - Abeka 3 (maybe) or Bob Jones
Science - have NO idea yet

4th Grade
Math - Saxon 3
Spelling - Zaner-Bloser 4
Handwriting - Zaner-Bloser 4
Reading - Abeka Readers 4
Social Studies - Abeka 4 (maybe) or Bob Jones
Science - have NO idea yet

I forgot

Language Arts
K - just phonics and reading readiness stuff
3rd - Have NO Idea yet
4th - Have NO Idea yet

Looks like you are doing great! I totally understand the 'subject to change' line. roflol.gif roflol.gif
Looks good!

Lately I've just made sure we have stuff for language arts and math, and use the library for the rest... but doesn't it look good to have it all laid out like that?
Looks good to me. yes.gif

We don't use an official Science curriculum. Everything is just kind of hands on. We have lots of books with science experiments and the kids read stories that incorporate Science into them, like Arthur Scott Bailey's Sleepy Time Tales
Beth AK
Looks like a great plan, Cheryl!

Have you looked at Considering God's Creation for science? We did that with all the Dc 2 years ago and they enjoyed it.
QUOTE(Beth AK @ Apr 3 2006, 01:11 PM)
Looks like a great plan, Cheryl!

Have you looked at Considering God's Creation for science? We did that with all the Dc 2 years ago and they enjoyed it.
have a web site for it?

Beth AK
Here is the web site, but I recommend getting it used if you can find it.
Considering God's Creation

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