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Need Motivation to Plan


I really could use some motivation to make lesson plans. I just don't have a desire to get this stuff done. *sigh*
I know how you feel rolleyes.gif I need to get going again for science and history and I just cannot seem to get into it at all. I have books from the library sitting here for 3 weeks and have done nothing with them. They are due today so I guess I will have to renew them dunno.gif whistling.gif happy.gif

user posted image Michelle, I hope you find the motivation, especially if the planning is something that you need to get out of the way.

writing.gif I usually sit down in the dining room with a pot of something to drink (coffee usually) and maybe some popcorn user posted image and when I get started and over that hump, I usually enjoy it. blush.gif It can be hard getting started though.

QUOTE (Appliejuice @ Jun 20 2005, 11:57 AM)
I really could use some motivation to make lesson plans. I just don't have a desire to get this stuff done. *sigh*

hugs.gif I know how you feel. It can be a daunting task. I like Donna's advice you drink tea right cup.gif here you go.
I've been doing a little at a time but sometimes I feel like I'm going in circles instead of getting anything accomplished. I haven't completed the portfolios yet either ... which comes first, the chicken or the egg dunno.gif user posted image
Sometimes I just need a little time out of the house to get me motivated and help me focus. If I am home I get distracted by housework and chores. I have done some of the planning at the library dunno.gif but I usually don't have everything I need there so that can backfire too.
I'm having the same problem right now. I started on my lesson plans, but then discovered I made a horrible mistake early on and would have to adjust all the rest of them to fix it. I turned off the computer and I haven't looked at it again since then. I really ought to get it done - the movers are coming in a month and I'll need those plans in South Carolina. bonk.gif
I get started, thinking I've got things going pretty well, but then start doubting what I've done and start over again. Same net effect as not doing anything.
I have all of Kirsten's done for the year, but I don't have Dean's books yet, so those are waiting.

I hate sitting down to do it, but once I do, you can't stop me.
I started the other day. I pulled out the Apologia Botany book. Got through the first couple of pages ... then something else caught my attention.

My motivation is that we start again in August, so I need to get going. Not much time, but much to do.

user posted image
QUOTE (Sammi @ Jun 20 2005, 04:24 PM)
... then something else caught my attention.

That about sums up my whole life - I've got the attention span of a gnat.
QUOTE (Melanie @ Jun 20 2005, 04:38 PM)
QUOTE (Sammi @ Jun 20 2005, 04:24 PM)
... then something else caught my attention.

That about sums up my whole life - I've got the attention span of a gnat.

You mean I'm not the only one??? laugh.gif biggrin.gif ohmy.gif
I might sit down and work on it some tonight, if I make popcorn. smile.gif I did two weeks of spelling schedule for daughter#1 while the kids were in the pool. We were at a neighbor's house for about 45 minutes.

Applie, I am thrilled to hear you are taking baby steps... keep going, you'll get there! I think my problem was I was doing too much and now I want to stop... I need to pace myself better.
QUOTE (quiltinmommy @ Jun 20 2005, 09:29 PM)
I think my problem was I was doing too much and now I want to stop

My problem is that I am just lazy. thinking.gif
No woman who has 4 kids, homeschools them, and does all that you do is lazy... I'll give you tired ... worn out... maybe even heat exhaustion... but not lazy!
QUOTE (Appliejuice @ Jun 20 2005, 09:45 PM)
My problem is that I am just lazy. thinking.gif

omg2.gif No way, Applie!

laugh.gif I have been thinking about this a lot lately and I know I am just plain lazy. I would get a lot more done if I wasn't so lazy. biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Appliejuice @ Jun 20 2005, 08:06 PM)
I have been thinking about this a lot lately and I know I am just plain lazy. I would get a lot more done if I wasn't so lazy. biggrin.gif

This coming from the mom that bakes almost daily?!? ... on top of everything else.

I must be a sloth. ohmy.gif

I actually completed science, language arts, and history for daughter #2 and my son some time ago. Home Ec for daughter #2 is also complete. But I haven't begun any of daughter #1's lesson plans since I received her curriculum from CLA. They've done the majority anyway. I've looked through the Power Glide material for both Spanish & Latin, but haven't brought myself to put anything together.

thinking.gif Maybe after the garage sale.
No kidding! Michelle, just reading your dinner menus makes me exhausted. Plus, you seem to be a lot more structured than I am when it comes to homeschooling. I'm having my first experience with drawing up lesson plans right now, and it is horrible! blush.gif
laugh.gif Ya'll are too funny. I'll give you an example.

It is 9:00AM, Tuesday. I am sitting here in front of this computer, in my jammies. I haven't even had a shower yet and I think I stink! My daughter, who just turned 4, is skipping around the house naked. My son, who is 11, just got out of bed. The other two girls are dancing to the Jonah music.

My son just asked me to get down the bag of cereal from the pantry. I did, dropped it and it is now scattered all over the floor. I'll have to sweep it up when I get off of here.

I started last night dinner dishes in the washer at 8:00 this morning. I forgot to put the salad away last night, so now it goes to the compost pile.

See what I mean?

I'll post what else I have to do today in Homemaking.

Maybe I am just unorganized.

Maybe I am just lazy AND unorganized. Ouch! That is a bad combination. omg2.gif stunned.gif
No, hon. You are not lazy ...or disorganized... just addicted.

Like the rest of us. lmfao.gif
Hey! Have you been spying in my house?

user posted image

We seem to live in constant chaos (how do you spell that?) and clutter too. No spilled cereal today ... that is only because we had yogurt and fruit! biggrin.gif

I have to be honest, I like to know that I am not the only one.
user posted image

I actually think it is probably quite normal. There really is no Leave it to Beaver, except on tv.

I say, "Cheers" to all the mom's who work so hard, so our children can stay at home and have this normalcy!

user posted image

PS> My daughter/7 just started her violin lessons 2 weeks ago. She is practicing. It sounds so cute!
QUOTE (Appliejuice)
Today I have several loads of laundry to do. I have extra towel and bathing suit laundry to do, now that it is summer. The girls beg to go out to their kiddie pool and mudholes everyday.  I don't know how they do it, but they use six towels, three bathing suits, and get mud from downstairs to upstairs. 

I am making dinner for a friend of ours. The father fell 18 feet (or more) down an AC shaft about 2 or 3 months ago. He should be dead, but God saved him. He is wearing a halo for three months. Other than that he is fine. So, I am making tacos and all the fixins', plus a loaf of bread. I may also make corn tortillas. Don't know if I have the time, especially if I stay on here much longer. 

I told myself that I have to work on school planning tonight, so I won't be back on here until tomorrow. This will be my reward for working on it tonight.  I will also be scheduling my own time (during school) for phone calls, time on here, grocery shopping, etc.

Before lunch I have to wash down the outside of the house out back. Hubby wants to put a second coat of paint on this afternoon. It is looking so good!!

and you call this lazy??? rolleyes.gif rolleyes.gif rolleyes.gif
QUOTE (Appliejuice @ Jun 21 2005, 08:07 AM)
laugh.gif Ya'll are too funny. I'll give you an example.

Sounds like my house... I'm here in my jammies...although I must say I smell as sweet as a daisy! We all do things like this... I tend to go in spurts.

Right now both of my girls are mad at me. Yesterday my youngest decided she didn't want to do her chores... so she didn't.. well today she's grounded from electronics... she'll have plenty of time to get them done today or we'll repeat the punishment.

My oldest, also decided since she was already grounded that she wasn't going to do her chores either ... so she's grounded too... she ran off back to bed saying... I should have stayed in bed today.

The only child not mad at me already is my son...who I sent to my bedroom to watch TV without his sisters.

All the things we do as moms is draining, add homeschooling on top and I'm not sure how we do it ... I'm sticking to my story...tired, worn out or heat exhaustion!

I'm sure you'll get a bee in your bonnet sometime and be off, showing us all up again!
QUOTE (Sammi @ Jun 21 2005, 09:24 AM)
PS> My daughter/7 just started her violin lessons 2 weeks ago. She is practicing. It sounds so cute!

My 7yo daughter has been playing for 1 1/2 years and she is doing well. smile.gif

It is 9:30AM and I am still on here! omg2.gif blush.gif

Here is my user posted image in my Bonnet. I'm off until tomorrow!

Got to get to get to get busy. biggrin.gif

Is that motivation enough? LOL.
I have just started on my lesson plans for next year. I have a basic outline of what we'll do, but I'm deciding how much I'll fine tune it. I have a required reading list for each of the kids, but that's about all. I know what math they'll do, but we're a little more relaxed on how many lessons they do a day--mainly because sometimes they can do more than one lesson in a day and other times they'll need more than one day to do a lesson.
The main thing--keep repeating it over and over and over and over---I HAVE started!!
I had been taking a book or two with me on errands such as doctor appointments, swimming lessons, etc. I need to start doing that again. Don't know why I stopped? dunno.gif
unsure.gif I was immediately drawn to this topic because my allergies have been horrible today with my meds. zapping every ounce of my energy and motivation. As I read, I realized that most of you must write your lesson plans for the entire year. I have read Donna's ideas about planning for the year, but I was wondering about how closely you all really stick to the year's plans. What do you do if you have to adjust to reteach, etc.? I was wondering if you all plan this way only for the workbook-driven subjects or for all subjects. Do you think planning this way is easier than going week by week? Are you required to do this by your states, or are you doing it for other reasons? What are the benefits to this long-term planning? I hope you don't mind answering these questions because I am always interested in hearing about what is working for other homeschoolers thanx.gif
Hsbeliever, I am going to post your questions in another topic, so that all can answer. smile.gif I just moved it to Planning for the year..
Thank you, Appliejuice!

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