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Planning Worldy Wise


I have a question for those who use Wordly Wise. How you do schedule it? I got book 3 for ds (6th grade). This is our first year using it and it is really just an added bonus for ds. His vocabulary is pretty good, so I am not sure he really needs this.

Anyhoo, there is only 20 lessons, with five activites per lesson. Do you schedule out one activity per day and then finish the book early in the year? Do you begin the next book? Do you schedule it every other day or so and make the book last all year?

I will not be giving any tests for this, but I will be checking he work daily.

Thanks for the help!! flower3.gif
I haven't scheduled a whole lot before this year so we tried to do WW3000 2-4 times a week and at the end of each unit I gave dd a spelling test and she had to write the word and then use it in a sentence. She had a lot of vocabulary with English from the Roots up and literature in co-op I didn't anticipate so we just did WW3000 in between assignments. In the public school she used to do one word list a week. The 5 lessons during the week one a day and then the test on Fridays.
I can't find my book but I thought the first lesson is just reviewing the words. dunno.gif

I think Donna has a WW3000 schedule.
I thought the review words and activity 1A were on the same day. There is nothing in the book that tells you how to schedule it. dunno.gif I saw Donna's example, but wasn't clear what she did. It is scheduled everyday on the planner, but at the top she has highlighted "every other day". I may do the every other day thing. This is not for his spelling, just to help improve vocabulary. smile.gif
When I used Wordly Wise years ago with my older kiddoes, we did the one lesson a day and finished it early. But my kids loved this book. They enjoyed the activities so it wasn't a problem. We'll see what happens next year with Noah and WW.
I'm using book 2 with my son in the 3000 series. I scheduled one activity a day. I am giving him tests so this spreads a week's lesson over 6 days. Since the book has only 20 lessons I don't mind. Every 4 weeks or so there is also a review activity.
At first I was going to keep it a 5 day a week lesson...but I decided there was no reason to push him through the book and have some days with extra work ... I really want him to take time to grasp the words.
The way I scheduled activity, test on the 6th lesson and the added review lessons came to a total of 125 lessons to fill the year. I probably won't schedule vocabulary on Thursdays as we have co-op so we should still spread this over the entire year.
I scheduling like this too. I left Tuesdays blank for Vocab, Grammar and Math because every other week is co-op and there is usually something that takes more time than I allowed biggrin.gif What do you think of this idea Michelle, just doing it 3 times a week and you finish when you finish?
Here is the WW3000 scheduling what-if's at the dy site:

I saw Donna's example, but wasn't clear what she did. It is scheduled everyday on the planner, but at the top she has highlighted "every other day".
Applie that is a series example that is using only wordly wise reading parts. It was for brushing up on comprehension which was something my daughter lacked back then. Even though every block is filled, the work was to be done every other day for a while.
Thanks Donna! I think I'll work on the four days a week schedule. smile.gif
Thanks for starting this thread Applie. I have not gotten my WW books yet, but I will be working on this as soon as I get them. I will come back to this once they are here.
Day One: 1A
Day Two: 1B
Day Three: 1C
Day Four: 1D
Day Five: 1E
Day Six: Looked words up in dictionary
Day Seven: Used each word in a sentence
Day Eight: Wrote a short story using five of the words
Day Nine: Spelling Pre-test
Day Ten: Spelling Test

We used Wordly Wise this way for grade eight

My daughter made up this schedule so that she could remember the words better
Teatime, that is a good schedule.

I have decided to make it a 4 day schedule and have the fifth day free. We are not using this as a spelling test and I will not be giving a vocabulary test. I did tell ds that I will ask for an oral definition for two to four words each week.

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