
HSF: Discussions between Homeschoolers

Secular Boxed Curriculum


I was wondering what secular boxed curriculum you ladies recommend.

I am interested in opinions the good, bad and indifferent smile.gif. My kids are 4 and 6

My neighbor uses Calver ... she's quite pleased.


It's well rounded and uses a single lesson plan book for mom, plus a math syllabus. It even comes with supplies such as paper, crayons, paints etc.

Sycamore also offers a secular package curriculum (they offer both). The lessons plans can be purchased separately ... well worth the expense. They also have a nice collection of curriculum. I felt the paper catalog better portrayed their packages... it can be ordered for free.

Sycamore Academy Online store

Look in the store directory.
I use Sycamore Tree secular curriculum. I've been happy with it; its very well rounded. The most helpful thing to me was the lesson plans yes.gif They have very well thought out lesson plans so you're not overwhelmed feeling about where to start. I also like the fact that they don't use all the same brand or publisher of workbooks, so you get to try different publishers all in one package. We started with their K package and are doing the 1st grade package now. I'll probably buy the 2nd grade package as well. If you add up the cost of all the books in the packages, you are actually getting the lesson plans for free. smile.gif
I looked at the Sycamore Tree Secular for 2nd grade and they are using a lot of what I picked up individually less expensively.

Our first year we bought a boxed curriculum (Kolbe) and I was so disappointed with what came in the box. Since then I've been gathering up lists of what we like, don't like and just getting the books and stuff from Rainbow Resource. I've been getting a bigger bang for the buck.

The only draw back is that I have to do my own lesson plans.

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