Do you have a schedule??
Posted by: Teresab Mar 8 2006, 10:43 AM
And do you stick to it? I have the book "Managers of their Homes". It sounds great. My biggest deal is that I am not disciplined enough to STICK to a schedule, EVERY day. Do you have a certain time you all get up, get schooling and all that? We get up between 7-8, start school at 9-10. Not much of a schedule, huh? I really need to do better on this. How do you all handle this?
Posted by: mimzie Mar 8 2006, 11:38 AM
That's more of a schedule than we have!! LOL We wake up at some point, depending on what time we went to bed and do school at some point during the day. Could be early, could be after the sun goes down. Once all 4 kids are doing school I hope to have a better schedule but right now I have 1 doing school and 3 not so makes it pretty hard to get the one working!
Posted by: Hindsfeet Mar 8 2006, 12:00 PM
Yes, I use a schedule and I have MOTH... I also highly recommend A Mother's Rule of Life by Holly Pierlot. It's written by a Catholic woman and I'm Protestant, but it really spoke to my heart! And it helped me prioritize a lot. I also like Kym Wright's "Women: Living Life on Purpose" which helped me a lot in creating chore charts, etc.
MOTH is great, but at first glance it's rigid (it's not intended to be rigid though) and the other two books I found to be more inspiring & encouraging without the rigidity.
Posted by: Blaise Mar 8 2006, 01:32 PM
No schedule here. As long as their school is done before any activities we have that day, I don't mind when they start. I should really be more organized, but I am working on it using the 70 day change your life challenge.
I've also been more on a schedule this week than ever because I've been babysitting, and had to be up before 8am... and stay up.
Posted by: Appliejuice Mar 8 2006, 03:48 PM
I don't have one either, but I really do need to get one. The only schedules that we do have are for outside activities and dinners. I have used Donna's, but have never been able to stick with it. It looks so good on paper, I have no idea why I can't stick with it.
Posted by: Hindsfeet Mar 8 2006, 03:54 PM
Michelle, I would guess that you're making a schedule that doesn't fit your family. If you have one that fits your family/lifestyle, it's a cinch to stick to it... otherwise it's near impossible.
Posted by: TiffinKY Mar 8 2006, 05:14 PM
I have a generalized plan for the day, but I don't like rigid schedules. They suffocate me.
Posted by: chocolatechic Mar 8 2006, 05:28 PM
I have a schedule.......we thrive on schedule.....
Posted by: Sherinova Mar 8 2006, 05:41 PM
I have a generalized plan for the day, but I don't like rigid schedules. They suffocate me.
This is more like me. I even rebel against my own generalized plans, let alone a written schedule. I'm sure there's a specific diagnosis for this behavior of mine....rebelling against oneself....

Posted by: Donna Mar 8 2006, 06:26 PM
I've tried it all-- been strictly organized, flexibly organized, barely organized and I have lived on the edge.. (living on the edge is my current state ) It is clear to me that I get more done when I know what I am supposed to be doing. Also getting things done takes away the muddled feeling one gets when they are overwhelmed from living on the edge. (Currently muddled, I am, and tired of it) This week I have been poking at getting back into my flexibly organized schedule. The flexible one is where I have a group of chores and duties to do in a large block of time. It worked for me. I got off it last year because I am shell-shocked from my son moving out last year.
I'm no longer lying prone on the floor of life, I'm sitting up now and hope to be standing soon.
Posted by: Melanie Mar 8 2006, 06:34 PM
I have a general schedule. We do the same three things every day - breakfast, chores, school. We don't have schedules within that schedule, though.
Posted by: Again Mar 8 2006, 06:37 PM
I crave a schedule!! But can't seem to find one that fits..........we are living the closest to a working schedule as we ever have right now.
What I found has been working for us is to start our schooling in the afternoon.........after lunch. We are all more ready to just sit and do our thing then. The kids have the morning to go out and play in the yard or for us to visit the Grands....and then still do school in the afternoon. Mark doesn't come home until 6:00pm or so..........and that gives us plenty of time to do our work. This schedule will probably change as the kids get older.......but for Kindy and 2nd it is working just fine!
.......and we all sleep in!
Posted by: Teresab Mar 8 2006, 06:47 PM
That sounds like me to a tee. The moving out of my oldest has put me in a new realm....
It has been very hard to deal with. But getting back on topic........I need a schedule. As someone said, if I make one that fits MY life, it SHOULD work? Sounds good. I'll be back later.
Posted by: school2 Mar 9 2006, 07:55 AM
This week I have been poking at getting back into my flexibly organized schedule. The flexible one is where I have a group of chores and duties to do in a large block of time. It worked for me. I got off it last year because I am shell-shocked from my son moving out last year.

Posted by: school2 Mar 9 2006, 08:11 AM
The moving out of my oldest has put me in a new realm....

It has been very hard to deal with. But getting back on topic........I need a schedule. As someone said, if I make one that fits MY life, it SHOULD work? Sounds good. I'll be back later.

I need grace today

Spring Break could not have come at a better time

Posted by: mtbriere Mar 9 2006, 08:12 AM
We fluctuate all over the spectrum. I have a schedule for each child & myself and review/revise it each semester. Sometimes we stick to it, sometimes we don't. My oldest dd & I are the most likely to stick to it. My younger 2 are the most likely to not. Dh refuses to be on a schedule, so I have to take that into consideration when making mine. He seems to think that I am "telling him what to do", even if he has asked me to give him an agenda.
I really need to get back to my routines...
Posted by: CelticMuse Mar 9 2006, 08:32 AM
schedule? what is that again? Actually all joking aside I have a lose flexible schedule during the school year and a more rigid one in the summer. Because in the summer we do swim lessons and have extra kids. I do however need to get back into my routine that I lost 3 years ago when I had to go to work. I was using a combo of MOTH and Flylady and the house was always clean, school was done and we were doing great but I've never been able to get it back. Maybe in a few weeks when the baby is not quite so demanding.
Posted by: siscaboo1512 Mar 9 2006, 09:00 AM
We have a schedule and have been sticking to it because of adding another person. I think that I thrive on schedules because when I am not on my schedule things just don't go right and the kids act crazy like they don't know what is going on.
Here is a look at our day. Most of the time it is followed. But, like Social studies we have been cuting that out alot lately.
1. 8:00
Posted by: quiltinmommy Mar 9 2006, 09:36 AM
I got off it last year because I am shell-shocked from my son moving out last year.

I'm so proud of you Donna!
I think flexibly organized describes me. We do have a plan, but it's nto rigid and can take "some" unexpected changes.... "some" being the key might stress me with too much!
Posted by: hs4hmom Mar 9 2006, 10:22 AM
We don't have a schedule so much as a routine. We do things in a certain order. When they are started is not as important. However, with chores (caring for animals is one of them), things start first thing in the morning.
It works for us most of the time and allows for those days when life has gone a little haywire.
I used to try to schedule, but we are not disciplined enough and since we have a business here at home, it also interferes quite often.
Posted by: cornerstone Mar 9 2006, 01:21 PM
Okay I will be different.
I'm an organize freak.
Actually I have to be. We run a dairy and sheep farm as well as homeschooling.
Cows have to be milked at a certain time twice a day, so I can't sleep in, even if I wanted too.
I am a morning person, so we do the bulk of our schooling in the AM. The afternoon is for fun and housework.
I too use flylady and once a month cooking. I find having my meals planned at the beginning of the month a relief on a rather busy schedule. Every day has something in it that is different both in schooling and extra activities. The kids know the hummm of the days. It only changes during haying season.
Posted by: Teresab Mar 9 2006, 01:31 PM
I would love to have a dairy. SO what method of oamc do you use? I have Dinner's in the Freezer, and Once a Month Cooking. I do enjoy having the meals in the freezer, dh says they just don't taste the same..... Maybe I freeze tham wrong?
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