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Portfolios for Testing


Anyone getting portfolios together or getting ready for testing?

I have to order the tests for my boys.... At first I was thinking I would have to do all this testing but then I realized that one daughter is graduating, one went back to school and my youngest son does not have to test this year... so I only have to test my other 2 boys I probably will not get the tests until next month but it is on my mind for some reason right now.... I think we are all getting spring fever!!!!
Yep, I ordered the test for my kids this week. We are testing mid-May. I know I have spring fever. I am ready for this year to be done!
We have testing - through a group - in late April. We too are looking forward to this year being over. It's been good, but we're ready to hang it up.
We do the portfolio thing and will schedule a meeting in may sometime. I want to be almost done before we go.
My son will be doing his group testing the last weekend of April. They have two days of testing; Friday is Language Arts and Saturday is Math.

My two girls are having their evaluations (portfolios) on May 6th. Thankfully it is at the same time. I'll know their results right away, but with my son, it will be a month before I know anything.

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