Author Donna Young

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  • We are using a few lifepacs for high school this year - two that I am writing about today are: economics/government Lifepac and Home Ec. There is a difference between these two lifepacs in how I am using them which impacts how I will go about planning them. We are using the economics/government Lifepac in one school year and the Home Ec will be spread over two years.

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  • I am shocked and disappointed. I wadded her paper up and threw it in the trash and told her to go to her room.

    She was taking a Wordly Wise Test and the answers are in the back of the book. Never did I think in a million years that she would copy the answers or even think to look them up. ...

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  • I am just curious to see what everyone will be doing during the summer as far as schooling goes. My son will be turning 6 in July and we are starting to read chapter books. I was hoping that we could work on 2 or 3 books and do some projects and such with them. ...

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